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Threats and hopes for Civil Society in the United States and Czech Republic

16:30 - 17:30
Kategorie: přednáška
Počet míst: 70 Počet obsazeno: 41 Počet volných míst: 29
Adresa konání:
28. října 2 Ostrava 70200
Zveme Vás na přednášku profesora Salvatora Alaimo, PhD, z Grand Valley State University v USA a Dr. phil. Nicole Horákové Hirschlerové, M.A., z Ostravské univerzity. Přednáška bude v anglickém jazyce.

"Civil Society is a society in which the decisions and actions of families, government, business and nonprofit organizations impact the ability of people to prosper, reach their potential as productive citizens, and flourish as human beings. This session examines the current state of social progress indicators in both the United States and the Czech Republic, the forces that threaten them, hopes for our future, and what we can do to positively impact progress towards this important ideal."

Nicole Horáková is an assistant professor at the Department of Sociology at the Ostrava University, Czech Republic. She deals in her research with the transition of work in industrial and postindustrial societies. Another focus of her work is dedicated to migration issues and the development of the civil society in the Czech Republic. Currently she is working on a qualitative research project about coal miners and their changing working conditions during the 1990s in the Ostrava region.
Salvatore Alaimo is an Associate Professor in the School of Public, Nonprofit and Health Administration at Grand Valley State University, in Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA where he has taught graduate and undergraduate courses in philanthropy and nonprofit administration for thirteen years. He received the Fulbright-Masaryk Scholarship in NGO Management and will be teaching and conducting research at the University of Ostrava, from September 2022 through March 2023.