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English Board Games

Datum: 18.02.2025
Čas: 18:00 - 20:00
Místo: American Center
Kategorie: hry
Adresa konání: město Ostrava
Practice your English while playing board games with our friend Natalia from Columbia. This will be a casual environment for you to speak English and have some fun. You can bring your own games! We will have these games available:
  • Codenames
  • Exploding Kittens
  • Unstable Unicorns
Due to the planned reconstruction of the Central Library building, our club meetings will continue at a nearby teashop, just a 10-minute walk from the library, located near the Elektra tram stop: Dobrá Čajovna Náročného Pijáka, Jurečkova 1811/18, 702 00 Ostrava

Register HERE.